Hey. I'm Luis Pinheiro, a self-taught techie. I've been teaching myself tech skills for over four years.
Meaning I know just how frustrating and difficult it can be when first starting out. But over time, and through lots of trial and error, I’ve discovered learning strategies and other tips that work.
My goal is to build fast, mobile-first websites that clearly communicate with visitors.
Web Design
Wordpress Themes
Responsive Webdesign
Branding & Logo Design
PSD to HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript
Joomla Themes
Grafic Design
It's a project from freecodecamp.
It's a project from freecodecamp.
It's a project from freecodecamp.
It's a project from freecodecamp.
It's a project from freecodecamp.
It's a project from freecodecamp.
It's a project from freecodecamp.
WordPress Theme
WordPress Theme
Joomla Theme
PSD to Html5, CSS3, Javascript